Love Your House

We’ve lived in the house we’re in now for about 10 years. The paint on the wood around the garage doors is peeling. It all needs to be repainted. The wooden columns by the front door are rotting around the bottom and I cringe every time I come home and see them. They need to…

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What the Reason Might be When the Scale Won't Budge

It seems like losing weight should just be about math, right? Calories in, calories out. If the calories in are greater than the calories out, we gain weight. If we shift the equation and make calories out greater than, poof, we drop the pounds. And sometimes it does work like that. But sometimes it doesn’t.…

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If Dieting Doesn’t Work, Why Do We Keep Doing It?

We know dieting doesn’t work. The diet industry is growing, not shrinking. If it actually worked, everyone would have lost all the weight and they’d be out of business. Moreover, clients tell me all the time that they hate dieting, that they would give anything to be free of their battle with food. So, if…

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