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34 True Things About Trying to Lose Weight
I’ve spent a decade now as a Nutritionist helping women lose weight by changing their relationship with food and rewiring their habits. Because weight loss is such a massive industry these days it means we’re constantly bombarded with conflicting and confusing information about it from individuals and companies driven…
Choose Your Own Adventure
The other day I said something out loud that I’ve said in my head a million times and the moment I heard the words escape my mouth, I cringed. I was out walking with a friend and I said, “I think most people are living their lives asleep. Just…
5 reasons you’re overeating (that have nothing to do with willpower)
“I have no willpower around carbs.” “It’s sweets! I absolutely cannot have them in the house!” “I was good all week and then I ruined it all this weekend at a friend’s birthday party.” I hear these things all the time when I’m talking to new clients. People (naturally) assume…
Not Broken Enough
I used to feel like, all at once, I was too broken and not broken enough. Not broken in the right ways; the cool ways. The ways that become the fertilizer for a bestselling memoir or movie. Alcoholics and drug addicts, these people are broken in the right…
What To Do When the Weight Comes Back
It’s a story I’ve heard so many times. Someone loses a ton of weight and is so delighted and proud of themselves and all the hard work they put in. But then, life happens, and the weight comes back and they find themselves standing in front of their bedroom mirror…
Hunger or Craving? How to Tell.
It’s the middle of the afternoon and you feel like you just need a little something. A cookie would be delicious, but those raspberries in the fridge also look pretty good. Are you truly hungry, or are you just craving something sweet? How can you tell? It’s important to learn…
Knowing vs Doing: 3 Ways to Bridge the Gap
I stood in front of the painting, utterly spellbound. The complexity of the brush strokes. The creative combination of colour elements. The subtle use of light and dark. It made me feel all the feels. I was in the National Gallery of Canada and it was one of Lawren Harris’…
Love Your House
We’ve lived in the house we’re in now for about 10 years. The paint on the wood around the garage doors is peeling. It all needs to be repainted. The wooden columns by the front door are rotting around the bottom and I cringe every time I come home and…
What We Can Learn From A Soggy Rat
There’s an experiment that’s been conducted hundreds of times in hundreds of labs around the globe. Sometimes it’s done with rats, sometimes with dogs, sometimes with broke college students. When this particular experiment is done with rats, scientists take one rat and put it in what they call a “shuttle…
Is There A Way to Access More Willpower?
Tell me if you can relate to this… Part of you wants to make healthier eating choices, but you continually find yourself falling back into old habits and eating things that you know aren’t going to serve you. And every time you tell yourself that you just need more willpower…
Carbs or Protein? Do They Even Matter?
We’re all out there searching. Searching for the perfect diet, supplement, or ratio of carbs to protein that will flip the switch and make it finally feel easy to stay on track to lose the weight and improve our health. You know how it goes… You heard about your sister-in-law…
A Promise To Make To Yourself
I thought I’d share with you an excerpt from my book, Turning Off The Tap: Overcoming The Real Reasons We Overeat. This is a declaration that I provide at the very beginning of the book and ask all of my readers to copy out and sign. I share it with…
Should You Count Calories or Listen to Your Body?
Is it better to count calories or listen to your body? Plan out all your meals, snacks, and treats, or enjoy everything in moderation? Restrict yourself more or give yourself more permission to enjoy? The truth is that we need both. Both structure and freedom are required and when we…
Don’t Look Now But Your Fabulous Is Showing!
Let’s try a little exercise, shall we? I want you to take a few seconds now to think about the things you’d like to change about yourself. Think about what you need to improve, what you should try to do better, and what you know you need to work…
Are You Afraid to Succeed?
I know you’re afraid to fail, but is it possible that you’re even more afraid to succeed? You want to lose the weight, have the energy, wear the clothes, do the activities, cook the food, live the life, enjoy the peace, and experience the self-confidence. But is it…
How Long Will it Take to Create a New Habit?
“How long does it take to create a new habit?” This is a question I get asked all the time. 21 days? 33 days? How long does it take? And I can always hear the underlying desperation in their voice that’s really asking me, “How long do I have to…
Are you there yet?
Last week a friend said to me, “You know Sara, it’s hard to get somewhere you just left.” I had to sit with that for a bit. First, it’s not even true. It’s easy to get somewhere you just left – turn around! But I realized that he wasn’t talking…
My husband won’t stop bringing chips and cookies home
“My husband won’t stop bringing chips and cookies home.” “It hurts my mother’s feelings if I don’t eat everything she makes for family dinners on Sunday.” “My co-workers bring donuts and cookies into the office all the time.” These are things I hear almost every day in emails and messages…
I want to eat like a normal person
“I just want to be able to eat like a normal person,” she said. I was chatting with a group of moms at the hockey arena (waiting for my daughter to finish her game) and the subject of dieting came up. Of course I was fascinated by what each of…
Why Resolutions Don’t Work and What to Do Instead
You might be reading this at a different time, but I’m writing this at the beginning of December and already there’s a lot of talk about New Year’s resolutions. Now, I don’t know you, but my guess is that when you hear the words “New Year’s resolutions,” your heart sinks,…
Are You Doing the Self-Sabotage Cha-Cha?
It’s time to talk about something that I’ve named the “Self Sabotage Cha-Cha.” The “Self Sabotage Cha-Cha” is when we get into a cycle with healthy choices where we’re taking one step forward and then two steps right backward. I call it a “cha-cha” because it feels a bit like…
3-Step Holiday Survival Roadmap
It’s that time of the year again and the holidays are just around the corner! Here in Canada, Thanksgiving was in October and for my American friends, Thanksgiving is coming up this week, and with Christmas, Hanukkah and a host of other holidays also on the horizon, you might be…
Working WITH Your Brain Instead of AGAINST It to Beat Craving
There’s something I see again and again when I work with clients and my students in my Change Your Brain – Change Your Body program. It’s something that so many of us are doing and it’s something that always results in us feeling like we’re taking one step forward and…
How “I deserve it!” is sabotaging your healthy eating goals (plus a simple 2-step reframe)
“After the day I’ve had, I deserve this treat.” How often have you said that to yourself? How often have you rationalized a not-so-great food choice by saying “I deserve it”? I know ALL about this because it’s something I used to do all the time. For years, I fell…
Night-time binges and snacking keeping you stuck?
You know how it goes. You do so well all day with healthy eating: Healthy smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch, healthy balanced dinner, even those nutritious snacks that you packed in your purse to take with you. Everything is going to plan until night-time comes along and you…
Self-Sabotage and the reason we fall prey to it every time.
I can’t tell you how many questions I get about self sabotage when it comes to healthy eating. We feel like we do so well all day or all week or for a few weeks or even a few months. But then eventually we end up going right back to…
Four questions that matter way more than the number on the scale
I have four questions for you and I believe that, the clearer you get on the answers, the easier it will be for you to stay on track with the healthy choices you want to make, and the more consistent and long-term success you’ll enjoy. Read through these. Spend some…
Sixteen and a Half Years
I think my phone is trying to tell me that I’m wasting my life. The latest update on my iPhone brought with it a fun new feature called “Screen Time” that tracks the amount of time I spend on my phone each day as well as what apps and features…
My Strange Addiction
I love self-help books. Maybe a little too much. I’m sort of an addict if you want to know the truth. I don’t know if they’re really called “self-help” books these days. I think they prefer to be called “personal development” books now. Whatever you call them, I’m a big…
You don’t have to try harder
I remember talking to a client about her habit of binging on junk food when she worries about her son who is 33 and autistic and currently living in a group home that she’s not happy with.“I know,” she said. “I’ll try harder.”“Don’t try harder,” I told her. “You’ve been…
Can you do it anyway?
I hear a lot of excuses. And I say that with absolutely no judgement. We all do this. I have some excellent excuses. I have excuses for why I haven’t finished my book yet, for why I haven’t completely given up eating animal products, for why my house still has…
10 Ways to Live Your Life with More Intention
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” -Henry David Thoreau One of…
The important life lesson I learned from my GPS
I was shamelessly eavesdropping on two women at the gym yesterday (I totally do that). One was telling the other about how she’d been doing so well with her diet – had even lost some weight – but then had gone away with her husband to a wedding and totally fallen…
What the food on your plate really means
The way you think about food is the way you think about everything. If we want to get even more specific, the way you think about food is the way you think about yourself and your relationship with the universe. Your plate is a microcosm. When we believe we need…
The Night-Time Snacking Solution
You know how it works. You do so well with making healthy choices all day, only to end up sabotaging all your great progress once evening rolls around. Despite having all the best intentions that morning, by the time the sun sets you feel like your willpower tank is dry…
I’m not sorry
“The most revolutionary thing a woman can do is not explain herself.” – Glennon Doyle Lately I’ve been trying very hard to avoid saying “I’m sorry” unless I truly am. When people ask me to do something and I don’t want to do it, or I wouldn’t mind doing it,…
Finding Your Steadiness and Sweetness
I had the opportunity last night to attend a class with a beautiful group of women where the topic of the evening was connecting with the Divine Masculine. For those of us who study the energies of the Divine Feminine and Masculine, we tend to think of masculine energy as…
Who do you need to be?
If you want something you’ve never had, you need to become someone you’ve never been. What does that mean? It means that the reason we struggle to get the results we want is because, right now, we’re not someone who does the things required to get those results. We make…
The Comfort Zone is a Dangerous Place to Live
Former Navy Seal and ultrarunner, David Goggins, says that when you think you’ve reached your absolute limit, you’re actually at about 30 percent of what you’re capable of. I don’t know how accurate his math is, but I think he’s definitely onto something. The human brain is often afraid. That’s…
The Wolf You Feed
There’s a wonderful old story about a grandfather who is talking with his young grandson. The grandfather explains to the little boy that there are two wolves inside each us which are always at battle. One wolf is the wolf of light. It represents things like kindness, bravery, and love.…
Imagine if You Trusted Yourself
Imagine if you trusted yourself. No second guessing. No judging. No shame or self-consciousness. No assuming you’re wrong, inadequate, lacking or not enough. What if you just trusted yourself? Fully, completely, unconditionally with full and complete faith. What if you took off the armour, set down the shields and stood…
The Sad Story of the Lonely Rats
I heard a story today about a fascinating experiment involving rats and morphine.It was actually a series of studies done at a Canadian university in the late 1970s, originally intended to look at the physical mechanism opioid addiction. But what the researchers ended up learning was, in my opinion, far…
Daily Offerings
I’m trying something new and I wondered if you might want to be part of it. As you may know, writing is one of my biggest loves. It’s what fills my cup and speaks to my soul. Writing is how I figure out what I’m thinking. When I’m writing I am most…
What’s stopping you?
Tell me, what do think is the number one thing preventing you from staying on track with healthy eating? Did you immediately think of something like: Not enough time Not organized enough to plan ahead Hard-core night-time snacking habit Picky eater No willpower around carbs Too lazy Any of those…
Decide who you want to be
Very regularly I ask people in my Facebook group, “what do you think is the number one thing getting in the way of you staying on track with healthy eating?” The responses almost always all fall into one of five different buckets: Lack of time/planning/organization, Self-sabotage/emotional eating/stress Sugar/carb addiction, Picky…
Food Cravings: Are you working WITH your brain or AGAINST it?
What’s really going on when you find yourself exhausted at the end of a long day and you decide to dig out those sweet or salty snacks and pour yourself a glass of wine instead of doing some journaling and heading to bed early? You know which option is healthier.…
What does integrity have to do with your health? A whole lot!
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I hosted a little party at our house. I got him a record player for Christmas and he was excited to break out all his old vinyl (he’s practically a hoarder so he still has every record he ever bought since he…
You and Food are in a Relationship; Is it a Healthy One?
Relationships are funny things. They can be confusing, frustrating, hurtful and toxic. There can be big highs, followed by crushing lows. Sometimes, just when you think you’ve figured it all out, everything goes sideways and you’re right back where you started. The whole thing can feel exhausting and seriously drive…
What Kind of Dieter Are You? Knowing the Answer May be Your Key to Success
Are you really good at meeting work deadlines, but really bad at keeping New Year’s resolutions? Always there for your family and friends, but rarely make time for your own health and self-care? This is something I hear from clients, and members of my programs all the time, and when…