There’s a wonderful old story about a grandfather who is talking with his young grandson. The grandfather explains to the little boy that there are two wolves inside each us which are always at battle.
One wolf is the wolf of light. It represents things like kindness, bravery, and love. The other wolf is the shadow wolf. It represents things like greed, hatred, and fear.
The grandson stops and thinks about it for a second then looks up at his grandfather and says, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”
The grandfather quietly replies, “The one you feed.”
Where your focus goes, your energy flows. Whatever you feed with your focus, energy and attention will grow and gain a deeper and deeper hold over you.
So, what are you thinking about over and over again?
Are you thinking about what you don’t want? What you don’t like? What you don’t have? If so, then that is what you are feeding, and the more you feed it, the stronger it will become, the more real it will feel to you, and the tighter the grip it will have over your life.
It will start to colour your perception, your choices and the way you show up in the world.
It will determine where you go, what you do and who you connect with.
The shadow wolf will have won.
But here’s the miraculous part: you get to choose.
Decide now that you’re going to choose to focus on the person you want to become, the life you want to step into and the impact you want to leave behind.
Focus on the path forward rather than on the problem and the frustration.
You change your life by changing what you focus on.
Whatever you feed will grow.
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Your analogies like the wolves here, make the moral(s) of the story(ies) tangible and really stick in my mind. Thank you 😊
I’m so happy this one resonated with you Liz!
Although I’ve heard this years ago it sure was a great reminder. I love the analogy and how you have connected it to our wellness journey. Thank you Sara!
My pleasure Trish!
That’s right Lauren!
I now have this phrase Where your focus goes, energy flows. on a card which is on my bathroom mirror so I can see this every morning and evening. Thank-you