Email Unblocking Instructions

Not getting my emails?

See instructions below on how to whitelist my email address so you don’t miss anything!



  1. Select the Settings icon in the top right portion of your screen.
  2. Select “Options”.
  3. Under “Preventing Junk Emails” select “Safe and Blocked Senders.”
  4. Select the “Safe Senders List.”
  5. Under “Sender or Domain to mark as safe:” type in my email,
  6. Select “Add to List”.



  1. Select the Setting icons in the top right portion of your screen.
  2. Select the tab “Filters and blocked addresses.”
  3. Enter my email ( in the Form tab.
  4. In the bottom left corner of the box click “Create filter with this search.”
  5. Select “Never send to spam” and “Always mark as important”.
  6. Select the blue button at the bottom of the window that says “Create filter”.



  1. From your inbox in the top right corner select “More…”
  2. Select “Filter emails like this.”
  3. In the “From” column, enter my email address,
  4. Next to “Move messages to this folder:” select “Inbox”.
  5. Click “Save”.



  1. Click on Settings.
  2. Select Whitelist.
  3. Enter the required e-mail address/domain (
  4. Click on Save.