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I’m Doing It!: 3 Simple Exercises To Help You Find the Time and Stay Consistent
We’re all busy. No one (that I know of) just has a whole bunch of hours free each week to plan out their meals, batch cook healthy foods or get to the gym. And yet, doing those things is the only way that we’re going to create the health, confidence,…
Can’t stay consistent with healthy eating? Here’s the puzzle piece you’re missing
I think we’re asking the wrong question. Everywhere I look people are asking, “what’s the best protein powder?” “what gluten-free pasta do you eat?” “Is quinoa better than brown rice?” But the real question isn’t, “what should I be eating?” You already kinda know the answer to that one, don’t…
Why constantly looking at your phone may be sabotaging your weight loss
I remember those days (and I still have them now and then), when I’d be so “good” all day. Lemon water in the morning, green smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, healthy dinner and then… The kids would finally be in bed and my favourite reality TV show would come…
Washing Dishes as an Act of Self-Care
There’s a lot of talk out there these days about the importance of self-care. Gotta put that oxygen mask on yourself before assisting others, right? Don’t get me wrong, I agree that self-care is vitally important. Most of our negative habits with food stem from a conscious or sub-conscious desire…
How Good Are You At Suffering?
You may not know this about me, but before I became a Nutritionist I spent several years as a freelance cycling journalist (that’s right, like Lance Armstrong cycling). I wrote articles for different magazines and covered races. I never made it to the Tour de France in person, but every…
We Know What We Should Eat [Basically]. So Why Don’t We Just Do It?
I get that there’s a lot of confusion out there these days around nutrition. This friend is doing paleo and that one’s gone vegan. One day coconut oil cures everything and the next it’s giving you heart disease. But all the alarmist Facebook and local news stories aside, we all…
How to Feel Your Feelings Instead of Eating Them
I used to work for a bank doing corporate communications and media relations. I basically got paid to sit in a cubicle all day and write about mortgage rates and new credit cards so the bank could make more money. I worked with great people, but I hated that job.…
What if We’re Thinking About Willpower All Wrong?
“I have no willpower around carbs.” “It’s sweets! I absolutely cannot have them in the house or I’ll eat the whole bag!” “I was good all week and then I just went crazy this weekend at a friend’s BBQ. I wish I had more willpower at those things!” I can’t…
Can Law of Attraction Help you Lose Weight?
For those of you who are huge fans of Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Napoleon Hill, Louise Hay or Mike Dooley, the concept of the law of attraction will be very familiar to you. For those of you who are new to this idea, the basic concept behind the law…
Binge or Healthy Indulgence?: Simple Two-Question Test
Is it a binge or a treat? A healthy indulgence or an emotional eating episode? Balance or chaos? I, for one, do not want to live in a world where any foods are forbidden. I believe that we can have whatever we want to eat, we just need to…
Stop Fighting with Your Body
By the time clients come to me, they’ve tried everything. Low carb, carb-cycling, low fat, sugar-free, Paleo and vegan. They own all the Jillian Michaels DVDs, yoga gear, at least one dusty treadmill and have every milestone trinket that Weight Watchers gives out. But they’re still overweight, miserable and frustrated…
What Overeating Is Really About
“I have no willpower around carbs.” “It’s sweets! I absolutely cannot have them in the house or I’ll eat the whole thing!” “I was good all week and then I just went crazy this weekend at a friend’s BBQ.” I can’t tell you how many times I hear one of…
Everything is Progress (Even the Cookie Cravings)
Before I really did the work on mindful eating and rewriting my relationship with food, this was my typical pattern: Spend the weekend making great plans about how well I’m going to eat from now on. Grocery shop and prep soups and salads for the week ahead. Eat really well…
Try Eating Like a Girl
In Hinduism, Shakti is a term that refers to the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe. Shakti is associated with the divine feminine – “The Great Divine Mother” and is all about source energy, connection, creation, inspiration and transformation. Shakti is balanced by Shiva. Shiva represents…
The “I Deserve It” Lie
As I stood in line at my favourite coffee shop this morning, I became transfixed by the slightly golden butter croissants lying on a white paper doily in the glass case by the cash register. I was hungry and croissants are one of my true weaknesses. The rich, buttery flavour…
How your Brain is Tricking you Into Eating Sugar and Buying Shoes
You’ve probably heard about the neurotransmitter called dopamine. Many people make the mistake of thinking that dopamine is a “feel good chemical” and that the reason we crave things like ice cream, gambling, potato chips or shopping is because they light up the dopamine receptors in our brains and makes…
What the Reason Might be When the Scale Won't Budge
It seems like losing weight should just be about math, right? Calories in, calories out. If the calories in are greater than the calories out, we gain weight. If we shift the equation and make calories out greater than, poof, we drop the pounds. And sometimes it does work like…
One Donut Will Make a Difference – But not the for the Reasons you Think
You’re standing in line at the coffee shop, staring at the beautiful display of donuts, Danishes and croissants beside the cashier. It’s early in the morning and you’re on your way to work. You didn’t sleep well, you’re not looking forward to the day ahead and you think about how…
When it Comes to Making Change – Slow Down
Yesterday we kicked off another round of the 10-Day Mindful Eating Challenge. To date almost 1,000 amazing people (mostly women) have taken this journey with me and I absolutely adore every moment of it. I would run this challenge every day of the year if I had the time. I…
The Lesson of the Rose and the Garbage
To become truly free of negative eating habits and patterns, you need to learn to love all of you. Even the part that always wants potato chips the moment the kids are in bed. Even the part that is incapable of saying no to the donuts in the office lunchroom.…
"Skinny" is not a Vision
We spend a lot of time thinking about how we don’t want to feel. We don’t want to feel tired all the time. We don’t want to feel self-conscious in our clothes. We don’t want to feel out of shape. We don’t want to feel like we have no control…
How to Eat Just One Cookie
As a nutritionist who works with women who struggle with emotional eating, one of the complaints I hear most often from my clients is – “I’m incapable of eating just one cookie! Once I start, I just can’t stop!” Sound familiar? Let me be the first to say that there’s…
This is How You Stop Night-time Eating
You’ve worked so hard all day. Whether it was crazy deadlines and infuriating people at work or high-energy kids who never seem to stop fighting with each other or screaming, by the end of the day, when you’ve given as much as you can give and done as much as…
You Do Not Have to Try Harder
I was talking to a client this week about her habit of binging on junk food when she worries about her son. Her son is 33 and autistic with highly violent tendencies. The drywall in their home is riddled with holes from where’s punched through the walls. He’s given her husband black eyes. …
If Dieting Doesn’t Work, Why Do We Keep Doing It?
We know dieting doesn’t work. The diet industry is growing, not shrinking. If it actually worked, everyone would have lost all the weight and they’d be out of business. Moreover, clients tell me all the time that they hate dieting, that they would give anything to be free of their…